Building Services MEP
Building services engineers are responsible for bringing buildings to life, they design all of the systems that make a building work.
It is the building services that give life to the cherished architectural plans that encapsulate your dreams for the future.
A typical design project will run through a number of design stages;
Want some extra detail regarding the design stages, click here.

Building services MEP refers to the various trades that are to be designed and are broadly Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (including Fire Protection) which can then be further subdived.

Forsspac design team has a wide range of capabilities both in project types with sizes ranging from a 500 to 220,000sqm.
Typical project types are:
Residential Towers
BPO Offices
High Rise
Spaces within the built environment work well when the owner and design team are on the same page and achieve a very high level of technical and spatial coordination between all design teams.
For any building to achieve its potential the “owner” of the project must first of all engage with the design team to explain what it is that they want from the space. Usually a briefing document will be issued which may include architectural information along with a set of owners requirements.
If a building is to be LEED accredited or similar then the designer must be involved early in the design process often from pre-concept, this garners points that can later be claimed with the USGBC or other accrediting body.
Projects work best when the design group includes members from structural and architectural teams plus an owner representative. This approach facilitates strong coordination between the various parties that are in the process of resolving the many conflicting requirements that will present themselves as the design process progresses.
During the awarding process for larger projects our technical director will author a statement on technical direction to give clarity to the owner as to why working with Forsspac will deliver the required outcome. A typical direction statement may be viewed by clicking here.