Technical Direction MEP Design
The following is a technical direction statement extracted from a recent bid document
Project Approach (Base Proposal)
MEP Services and Systems
This section outlines the approach taken by Forsspac in developing the designs for the Mechanical, Electrical, Public Health (Plumbing and Drainage), Fire Protection and Auxiliary systems and coordinating with BRC, PDT and the other consultants and design specialists who will be engaged on this Integrated Resort project.
The starting point in developing the MEP designs is to first gain a thorough appreciation of the expectations of the Client for the development and through the Concept stage align the designs with these expectations both technically and commercially .
The Scope of Services is clearly stated and this will form the basis for the Concept Design including the cost I benefit analyses required.
The Project Information and Schedules provide the required project outline and programmes for understanding the nature and scale of the works .
A primary focus of Owner Occupiers I Operators is achieving the right balance between capital cost and operating cost rather than minimising the capital cost during the construction of the development. Investments in energy efficient systems at the outset can have a very significant impact on the operational bottom line. This is addressed during the Concept design stage, looking at whole of life cycle costings and working with feedback from the operations team from their existing developments to agree on the selection of the appropriate equipment. Forsspac is focused on support ing the needs of the Employer to strike the right balance of investment, operating cost and maintainability for this development.
The end point in design delivery is to ensure that the designs meet the agreed design direction, are coordinated and achieve good energy efficiency through well planned reticulation.
Technical coordination is ensured by the team culture of Forsspac which brings the different trades close to each other during the design process. This creates an atmosphere of mutual understanding of the design issues and a continual sharing of information between the teams. This also shortens the lag between completion of the trades which draw power (MVAC, Hydraulics etc..) and the electrical system which supplies the power.
Primary spatial coordination both between the MEP trades and with the structure and architecture is enabled by the use of 30 modelling as needed during the development of the design. With the right people and processes the value of the use of 30 modelling can be realised and complex areas can be understood through the use of Revit I Navisworks and as appropriate, Forsspac's in house virtual reality (VR) capability.
In Forsspac we start by resolving appropriate and efficient plant space planning and location, riser planning and primary reticulation during the Concept design phase. In this way the technical I spatial challenges in the design are reduced significantly from the outset. Dedicated engineering co-ordinators then work between the trade engineering teams and the CAD teams to plan out the schedule and process of engineering design development and model development as needed and to work on resolving the secondary spatial coordination issues that inevitably present themselves . A key outcome of this approach is higher energy efficiency by improved plant room, reticulation and riser routing and a balanced construction cost.
Forsspac has extensive experience of LEED consultancy with a strong focus on the LEED CxA I CxM roles and the practical requirements of LEED during design. Forsspac is a member of the PhilGBC and has contributed to the development of the commissioning standard in use today. Forsspac has contributed to the CIBSE white paper on Buildings for Extreme Environments, Tropical. Forsspac is also a member of the Building Commissioning Association (BCxA) of the USA.
Forsspac has accumulated a wealth of experience in the design, construction and commissioning of Casino Resort projects having worked on the majority of casino developments in the Philippines in recent years and having been involved in several casino developments in Macau. Forsspac will bring this experience and specialist knowledge to this development providing the Employer with the assurance that the MEP designs will be focused on guest experience and on energy efficiency .
Design for Construction , Commissionability and Maintainability are key aspects of the approach of Forsspac. As designs develop, consideration is given to access for delivery and installation of major plant and equipment, the ability to commission the systems including minimising the need for manual balancing of air and water systems and space planning for maintenance.
In the following sections , the approach of Forsspac is outlined for each of the MEP trades. Final design in all cases will be in consultation with the Developer and the other Consultants during design development. The statements below are not intended to limit the scope of work or direction taken or to change the requirements set out in detail in the RFP Annexures .
Mechanical Services and Systems Mechanical Ventilation and Air Conditioning
The Mechanical Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems (MVAC) consist of a number of interlinked systems and standalone systems which between them provide the comfort conditions for guests and staff alike. The MVAC systems between them are the greatest power consumers within a development in the Philippines. Energy efficiency , including energy recovery, in the design of the MVAC systems is essential to the economical operation of this owner-occupied development.
The MVAC systems include:
Air Conditioning (Chilled water and DX systems)
Kitchen and Laundry Ventilation
Toilet Exhaust
Carpark Ventilation
Plantroom Ventilation
Smoke Control (Stair pressurisation, Lift Shaft pressurisation, Smoke Exhaust, Smoke Purge etc...)
Guest safety , energy efficiency , guest comfort and the guest experience are the drivers behind the design of the MVAC systems.
Capex savings in the MVAC systems are generally focused on selection of cost-effective plant, balancing capex with opex, and materials selection I sourcing . As an example, the operating efficiency of water-cooled chillers has a significant impact on equipment cost. As chiller efficiency increases, the cost increases in a non-linear manner and a balance between rising initial cost and reducing operating cost is achieved by considering the payback I rate of return on investment.
Forsspac focuses on reducing capital cost and improving operating costs by seeking to plan the juxtaposition of the main plant rooms to optimise reticulation costs and system losses I operating costs. By reducing the distance between related AC main plant areas (chillers and cooling towers for example) and the distance between the main MV/LV substation and the chiller and cooling tower plant, significant cost savings can be made and with reduced reticulation distances, ongoing energy losses are also reduced. This often requires a level of compromise between the Engineering and Architectural teams to strike an appropriate balance and is best achieved by working closely on area massing during the Concept design phase.
Based upon the current operation it is anticipated that the Casino will be a smoking space. The RFP confirms this by requiring the design to be 100% outdoor air. This will apply to all areas where smoking occurs with energy recovery systems and control of air balance to ensure that air from smoking spaces does not mix with air in other spaces and in particular with the adjacent guest corridors, F&B areas and the entrance Atrium at the G/F.
The RFP specifies that the current design intention for the casino areas is a displacement system also known as Under Floor Air Distribution (UFAD). It is a requirement of the RFP that a comparative study against the use of conventional air supply from the ceiling be carried out during the Concept phase, to validate this decision or to change to conventional air supply.
With conventional MVAC design, supplying the air from the ceiling results in mixing of newly supplied conditioned air and air with Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS). The UFAD approach effectively eliminates mixing of air streams. One of the drawbacks of the UFAD system is the space required underfloor for air distribution and the requirement for floor mounted air distribution devices. The pros and cons of each system need to be considered carefully to reach the correct decision for this development.
Casino spaces by their nature pose a challenge with respect to control of the conditions in the guest occupied zone. Unless the conditions can be measured, they cannot be accurately controlled. With limited columnation, measurement is restricted. Forsspac will bring to the Concept design specific enhancements to the control of the air conditioning system for improved guest comfort and containment of ETS bearing air.
Should the Developer wish to consider the option to operate as a non-smoking casino, the design can be adjusted at the Concept phase to allow for rebalancing of the MVAC system for operating cost reduction. This however has an impact on capex and increase plant space requirements.
The Ballroom is also required to be provided with 100% outdoor air MVAC plant.
Forsspac will use IES, HAP, CAPS I NYB for fan selection, SPC for wrap around coil analysis, ORI for heat wheel sizing for its MVAC calculations and plant selection .
Fuel Oil and LPG systems
The fuel systems for the development include both fuel oil for diesel generators I DDRUPS units and Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) for kitchen and laundry operation.
Fuel oil storage is to be designed to meet the required endurance for generator operation without refilling (normally 4 days) . The bulk storage system includes a filling point and appropriate metering for controlled filling of the tanks.
For each generator I DDRUPS unit there will be a day tank which is supplied from the bulk storage. Supply from the bulk storage tanks requires an automatic control and monitoring system to sustain the operation safely with the minimum of staff input.
Whilst diesel fuel is not volatile at ambient temperatures , it nevertheless poses a fire, life safety and environmental hazard if spills are not controlled. Coordination of the design with the Architects and Structural Engineers must ensure that both bulk storage tanks and day tanks are installed in correctly bunded I protected areas and free from risk of rupture during a seismic event.
LPG is required for kitchen equipment and potentially for laundry steam generation. LPG is highly volatile and its inclusion within the built environment is strictly regulated. Bulk storage location and installation is distance based with code provisions for LPG installation design which can limit the distance constraints. Within the bulk storage, provision will be made for safety systems for venting and shut off. In particular shut off is required in the event of a fire or seismic events exceeding defined limits.
Within the building, double walled pipes vented to the outside are required for LPG distribution and with this, gas leak detection is used to provide early warning of pipe failures.
Electrical Systems
The Electrical Systems in the development cover:
Incoming utility supply and Power Substation
Backup Power Generation on site
Static I dynamic uninterruptable power systems (SUPS I DDRUPS)
Back of House lighting design and provision of power and switching for all lighting
Lightning Protection and Grounding Systems
Power Management (discussed in the section on BMS below)
Forsspac will use ETAP for its electrical systems calculations.
Incoming Utility Supply and Power Substation
The incoming power supply will be coordinated with the local utility company. The power substation will be configured with Medium Voltage Switchgear (MVSG), incoming supply transformer/s, Low Voltage Switchgear and associated power factor correction and as appropriate , harmonics filtration.
This is one of the most important plantrooms in the development. A well laid out substation is easier and safer to operate and maintain. During plant space planning, the focus will be on creating a clear flow from medium voltage to low voltage, synchronisation with back-up power, integration with alternate power sources (if available) and ensuring adequate operation space and maintenance access is provided.
The RFP requires a study to be carried out during the concept phase to compare the planned centralised MV to LV substation (with all LV distribution) with a medium voltage (e.g. 4.16kV) distribution system within the building and distributed MV to LV substations .
Power Distribution
Power distribution is planned to be via enclosed bus ducts. The RFP requires a study to be carried out to consider cable power distribution. With this Forsspac will include cost I benefit analysis on the use of copper versus Aluminium both for bus ducts and cables.
Power Generation on site
Power Generation on site covers:
Backup Power Generation
Renewable Alternative Power Source/s
The requirement is for 100% power backup of power for the development and this will be achieved with diesel powered engine generators
Whilst this equipment is used rarely, when called upon to operate it must do so reliably and provide the required power output and power quality. Detailed specification of the diesel generators, ensuring that they are correctly sourced, is critical to this outcome. With extensive experience in both specifying and procurement oversight from within the Philippines, Forsspac will be a close ally to the Developer in ensuring the correct equipment is purchased and when commissioned will operate as required.
Design of generator plantrooms requires particular attention to plant space planning for correct equipment placement for installation and maintenance, air flow, control of rain water ingress and control of acoustic impact on sensitive noise receivers in proximity to the plantroom.
The use of Diesel Dynamic Rotary UPS (DDRUPS) units has been included in the project briefing and this will form part of the power generation system on site. See below for more details.
Renewable alternative energy sources will be considered during the Concept design phase. Given the nature and location of the development , consideration will be given to the integration of solar photovoltaic (PV) panels. The use of bio fuels will also be considered .
Uninterruptible Power Supplies
Un-interruptible power will be required for significant areas and systems within the development. Specifically , and as a minimum, casino operations, IT systems and BMS I Controls systems will require un-interruptible power supply .
To accomplish this the use of a centralised Diesel Dynamic Rotary UPS (DDRUPS) system has been specified. This has the added advantages of integral power factor correction and harmonic filtering thereby reducing the cost of the main electrical plant. With this , in consultation with the Developer, consideration will be given to extending the coverage of the UPS system to FOH areas which would normally only be served by diesel generator power back up.
During the concept stage, a comparative analysis between Static UPS and DDRUPS will be provided to validate the direction to use DDRUPS for this project.
In consultation with the Operations team, consideration with be given to the specific needs of the security areas of the development and whether further independent back up power systems are needed.
In addition, consideration will be given to central-v-local battery back-up for emergency lighting with a cost benefit analysis being carried out.
Back of House Lighting and Power for Lighting
The scope includes design of all lighting for Back of House (BOH) areas and design of the power supplies and containment for all lighting within the development.
For BOH areas, the choice of lighting will depend on the use. In many cases LED lighting will be used to reduce operating cost and reduce power demand. Fluorescent lighting will be used where appropriate. No dimming is anticipated for BOH lighting. Daylight harvesting lighting controls will be used for perimeter areas where natural daylight enters the development. This will be optimised by careful selection of the glass and glass treatments in conjunction with the fa9ade consultant. Motion sensing will be used to automatically shut off lights in agreed BOH and FOH areas when unoccupied. Forsspac will use DIALUX for its lighting calculations.
For all other lighting, Forsspac will work with the Architectural Lighting, Landscape and Interior Design consultants for provision of power supplies and containment.
Lightning Protection and Grounding Systems
Given the planned placement of a Helipad at the hotel tower roof, a conventional lightning protection system will be provided for the tower using rebar within the structure and I or triaxial cables for down conductors. For the podium area, the coverage of the tower and adjacent buildings will be considered in developing the Lightning Protection System design which may include ESE collectors and triaxial down conductors. This will be established during the Concept phase.
A comprehensive grounding system is a key life safety requirement to minimise the risk of electric shock I
electrocution for building occupants and also for fire safety, preventing ground faults causing fires .
The building grounding system is provided for grounding of all MEP trades plant, equipment and reticulation and extraneous metalwork .
A separate clean grounding system will be provided for the development, serving the IT, ELV and Auxiliary systems .
Hot and Cold Potable Water Supply
The incoming potable water supply will be coordinated with the local utility company. Water quality will be assessed during Concept design by reference to utility company test data and independent testing if deemed necessary .
Water storage will be designed for 24-hour operation without the need to refill. Based on the water quality test results, water filtration I treatment may be added and will be considered during Concept phase.
Hot water will be a requirement of the development. To reduce operating costs, solar panels and heat pumps will be considered as the heat source . Heat pumps will either be of the water to water type utilising waste heat from the chilled water system or air to air type. This will be determined during the Concept phase.
Consideration will be given to pumping and storage efficiency and hot water access times.
For Kitchen equipment requiring water at higher temperatures than provided centrally, local heaters will be required and to be specified by the Kitchen consultant.
For the Laundry, it is anticipated that boilers will be required for both steam and hot water generation. This is currently indicated to be gas fired and consideration will be given during concept design to whether this or fuel oil is more appropriate as the LPG storage space appears to be quite limited.
Forsspac will use WaterCAD for its hot and cold water systems design analysis as needed.
Non-Potable Water Supply
Consideration will be given to the reuse of grey water. This would be collected from the laundry and treated to reduce contaminants and to clarify the water for separate storage and distribution. Make up would be from the utility supply .
Rain water collection and reuse is a requirement of the building code and this will be considered either to supplement the grey water system or as a separate non-potable storage and distribution system. Currently in the RFP this is considered for irrigation purposes.
Condensate water will similarly be collected and reused as part of the non-potable water system.
Sewer and Waste Drainage
The sewage collection system will be a standard gravitational system for above ground levels and for below ground, collection and sewage ejection will be provided.
On-site Sewage Treatment is required. An STP design will be developed to meet the required general effluent standards of 2016. The influent and effluent characteristics and the flow rate and volume for treatment will be calculated as the input data to the system design. The STP design by the MEP Consultant will not include the detailed design of the control system for the STP as this will be proprietary to the STP Contractor.
The sewer system is to be designed to be self-venting in accordance with the RFP. Forsspac will use SewerGEMS for its sewer systems design analysis as needed.
Storm Drainage
The storm drainage system will be designed based on the Rainfall Intensity Duration Frequency (RIDF) data for the area. Consideration will be given to the use of syphonic drains where appropriate.
Rainwater to be captured in the non-potable system will be filtered during capture. Consideration will be given to treatment of the water in storage.
Fire Protection Systems
All fire protection systems will be designed to meet the specified IBC I Philippine Fire Code I NFPA.
Wet Fire Systems (Fire pumps, Sprinklers and Hydrants)
Separate water storage will be provided for the wet fire system. With this, a separate pump room will be designed which will provide pressurised supply for the sprinkler system, hydrants and hose reels. The software used for Fire Protection system calculations will be ELITE.
Specialist Fire Protection Systems
Specialist fire protection systems will be designed for the following:
IT/ELV room/s
Kitchen exhaust hoods
And any other areas as required
Fire extinguishers
Appropriate fire extinguishers will be specified and planned as required. These include dry powder, inert gas and wet chemical types.
Auxiliary Systems
Fire Detection and Alarm Systems
A fully addressable fire detection and alarm system will be designed for the development. This will include smoke detectors and heat detectors as appropriate, flow switches , pull stations and tamper switches.
The FDAS will include alarm horns and strobes located appropriately and will provide alarm announcements to the public address system.
Building Management and Power Management Systems
A comprehensive Building Management System (BMS) will be provided to control all plant and equipment for automated operation and to allow for the operators to implement energy saving strategies and automate load management I shedding.
Chiller plant management will be included to optimise the plant operation.
It is anticipated that the Power Management System (PMS) will be integrated with the BMS.
Control of the MVAC of the casino is challenging. This includes heat recovery, humidity control, local temperature control and overall air balance of the casino with adjacent areas. Local temperature control is a particular challenge in large open areas with minimal columnation and high ceilings. Overall air balance with adjacent spaces requires the ability to control supply and exhaust differential for the casino and for the adjacent spaces . Forsspac has a developed approach to address these challenges.
Careful detailed design of the BMS I PMS is a focal point for Forsspac. Ensuring the control sequences are correct and appropriate, that the necessary sensors and actuators are correctly placed and specified and that the duct and pipe reticulation is designed to allow both accurate sensing and control.
The BMS/PMS will utilise the IT structured cabling system for communications. This unification of communications provides for greater data security and lower installed cost.
The BMS will monitor specialist sensing systems such as LPG leak detection, fuel oil leak detection, seismic sensors, CO and C02 sensing where needed. Whether standalone or integrated into the BMS/PMS, this provides central monitoring and alarms of these critical parameters.
Guest room controls are an integral aspect of the BMS design and include RCU's, dedicated switching, motion sensing , touch screen panels etc.. and will be developed in consultation with the Employer, the Project Managers and the IT/ELV consultant.
Consideration will be given to linking the BMS to the commissioning data and this will be addressed during the design in consultation with the Project Management team. The move to greater integration of data for FM use requires integration of data bases and will require care in planning of the software used by all related parties.
System unification and the provisions for Fire Command and Engineering I Maintenance Facilities
Working with the Fire and Life Safety consultant, the Fire Command Center will be designed to meet the requirements for:
Protected access to the room
Monitoring and control of all related fire and life safety systems including Vertical Transportation
Simplified means of monitoring and controlling smoke control systems
Fireman's communication
Within or near the Engineering Maintenance offices, a BMS control room will be designed for monitoring and control of the plant, equipment and systems, water and fuel storage and monitoring of the alarm system(
Coordination with Design Consultants
The Employer will engage directly all other design consultancies and the MEP Design Consultant will be required to coordinate with the designs of these consultants , designing the necessary services provisions to support their designs . These consultants include the following:
Architectural Consultant
Local Architectural of Record
Structural Consultant
Geotechnical and Site Survey Contractor I Consultant
Environmental Consultant
Vertical Transportation Consultant
Fire and Life Safety Consultant
Traffic Management I Landscaping Design Consultant(s)
Signage Consultant
Interior Design Consultants
Other Specialist Consultants
Coordinating with the Architects , Interior Designers, Structural Engineers and other specialists is a key part of the work of the MEPF Design Consultancy and one which Forsspac takes very seriously. Emphasis is on team work, cooperation and communication during the design process.
Fire and Life Safety. Fire and Life Safety is of paramount importance and an area of significant focus for Forsspac. Our internal Fire and Life Safety designers are responsible for the wet and dry fire systems within the development. These consist of Fire Sprinkler and Hydrant Systems, gas fire suppression systems and other specialist fire suppression systems such as those at kitchen exhaust hoods, electrical rooms etc. The work includes planning and specifying fire extinguishers and hose reel cabinets.
Our Electronic Engineering team designs the Fire Detection and Alarm Systems, Carbon Monoxide and Carbon Dioxide sensing systems . Leak detection for LPG and fuel oil is also designed by this team.
Smoke exhaust, smoke purge and pressurisation systems are designed by the Mechanical designers of Forsspac, who also specify the controls for the correct operation of these systems .
With the above integral to the Forsspac MEP team, Forsspac will fully support the Architects and Interior Designers in ensuring the development meets the requirements of codes and standards .
Holistically the team focuses on fire detection, alarm and evacuation, fire suppression, fire and smoke compartmentation and implementation of all appropriate fire and smoke barriers, smoke management, fire department access and control and the interlinking of such systems as elevator homing and fireman's lift controls and intercom, fireman's telephone system and within the fire control centre, appropriate and easy to use monitoring and control systems for information and appropriate action by the fire officer.
Allied Design Consultancies. In accordance with the RFP, the MEP Design Consultant will assist PDT in the development of the scope of works for specialist consultants with whom the MEP design is aligned I supporting or supported by. These consultancies include but are not necessarily limited to: -
ELV Consultants
Water Feature Consultant
Kitchen Equipment Consultant
Laundry Equipment Consultant
Architectural Lighting Consultant
Acoustic Consultant
For all of the above, Forsspac will assist PDT to ensure that all elements of scope and coordination are sufficiently documented within the respective RFP's.
ELV. Forsspac's internal Electronic Engineering team carries out the design of specific building auxiliaries and has an inherent understanding of the ELV and IT systems . With this background, Forsspac is well placed to support PDT in the management and coordination of the work of the ELV and IT consultant and to anticipate the needs of this specialist both for space planning and utility provisions. Systems such as the Building Management System (BMS) will generally use the Structured Cabling System designed by the ELV and IT consultant for its communications back bone which therefore requires close detailed coordination .
Water Features. Water features and Pools all have their utility and space requirements. At the outset of the design, prior to the appointment of this specialist consultant, Forsspac will provide planning input to the other consultant team members for appropriate plant space planning and internally for estimating utility requirements. After appointment of the specialist, these can be refined within the parameters already anticipated.
Kitchen and Laundry. Kitchen planning is an integral aspect of the F&B design development. In many cases, food preparation and cooking are brought into the guest space to provide an interactive experience. The space requirements of the kitchens in particular are therefore complex and require careful integration with the architecture and interior designs.
The Kitchen and Laundry areas of the development are heavily serviced requiring power, hot and cold water, LPG, steam, drainage including treatment of the effluent and mechanical ventilation I air conditioning.
With extensive experience in coordinating the work of the Kitchen and Laundry consultant and providing the utilities needed, Forsspac is well placed to assist the PDT with the coordination with this sub-consultancy.
Architectural Lighting. Lighting has undergone an almost silent revolution over recent years, transforming from a major power consumer in the built environment to a more refined installation requiring higher quality of power supply and lower power demand. The controls for LED lighting are sensitive to electrical noise and under dimming can flicker or become unreliable. Coordination with the Architectural Lighting consultant (ALC) will help to understand and address their needs. Coordination may also be required between the ALC and the IT consultant for IP control of lighting if required.
Acoustics. The plant and equipment specified as part of the MEP Design Consultancy is the primary source of noise and vibration which the Acoustic Consultant will be required to control through the specification of noise levels and the associated sound and vibration isolating and sound absorbing elements in the design. Forsspac has the required experience to work with the Acoustic Consultant and ensure these requirements are addressed .
Retail Tenancies
It was noted that the retail tenancies will be fitted out by the tenants. The scope of work of the MEP Design Consultant is limited to primary services based on the type of tenancy. For the MVAC, the requirement is pre treated outdoor air and chilled water.
Back of House
It was noted that for the Back of House areas the expected MVAC provisions are VAV or FCU.
It was further noted that some rooms require extract only and for some areas used for chemical storage, the systems must be suitable for the extract air quality.
Kitchen provisions
It was noted that with the kitchen consultant appointment behind schedule, the MEP Consultant will be required to make provisional allowance for Kitchen ventilation and for utilities pending appointment of the specialist consultant.
Sewage Treatment Plant
The requirement is for the MEP design consultant to investigate higher efficiency STP systems such as SBR derivative systems, to minimise the cost of sewage treatment and ensure the effectiveness of the system for compliance with the 2016 environmental code requirements.
Construction Support
The requirements for Construction Support as set out in the Detailed Scope of Services have been considered for the duration of construction in accordance with the Project Development Schedule.
Forsspac will field three Senior trade engineers as specified in the RFP, full time at site for the duration of the construction period (26 months). The scope of work includes meetings, response to queries I RFl's, site inspections etc. Forsspac's Engineers will also attend Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT's requiring factory visits), mock up and benchmarking inspections and Site Acceptance Tests (SAT's) in addition to the regular weekly site activities.
Forsspac's site team will be supported by a full time Document Controller.
The three site engineers will be 3D literate and at least one of the computers provided will be a 3D workstation on which the 3D models prepared by Forsspac during design, will be viewable for on-site coordination and RFI responses.
On site Forsspac will establish an IT system to support the engineers including network storage of data, off site backup of data and A3/A4 printing.
Forsspac will provide attendance on Construction Support activities from the head office. Support will include attendance on submission reviews and RFl's where needed for each of the trades (MEP and Auxiliaries). Forsspac have also allowed a reasonable number of A 1 prints prepared at head office for site engineer use.
During the period of final Testing and Commissioning, attendance will be increased for validation of final testing and commissioning by the trade contractors and any specialists employed for testing, adjust and balancing.